The use of the MOTAT website is subject to the following terms and conditions:
While we endeavour to supply accurate information and provide continuous service to visitors to this site, errors, omissions and outages may occur from time to time. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on, or accessed, through this site. MOTAT takes no responsibility should the website be unavailable for any reason. Technical issues can be reported here.
Any use of material posted on the MOTAT website is done so at your own risk, and you indemnify us from any liabilities, claims, costs, loss (including consequential loss) or damage suffered or caused by your use of any material posted in the comments areas.
We retain the right and discretion to edit, delete, reject or remove any comment which you post or seek to post in the comments areas. We also retain the right to suspend or delete any account which does not follow all website terms and conditions.
You agree to fully indemnify and hold MOTAT harmless against any liabilities, claims, costs, loss (including consequential loss) or damage incurred as a result of any material you post in the comments areas, or as a result of any breach by you of these terms and conditions.
© Copyright MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology)
PO Box 44-114, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246, New Zealand.
Unless otherwise stated or an author is acknowledged throughout, MOTAT holds the copyright for all information on this website. Information may be reproduced for personal use without further permission, subject to the information being reproduced accurately and not being used in an incorrect or misleading context. Pictures of objects, archives, photographs and other material are used on this site with the artists’ permission and you cannot use images from this site without obtaining the permission from the artist directly.
For written permission to reproduce information on this website for any purpose other than personal use, please contact the author in the first instance where named, or MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology) via the general enquiries contact form.
Any information sourced from this site is used in any context, it must be accredited to MOTAT and the date of retrieval from the MOTAT website must be stated.
If you want images from Collections Online contact MOTAT's Collections team via the Walsh Memorial Library. Please be aware that some of these images may not be available for reproduction.
You may browse and access information contained within this website without providing any personal information. Where you voluntarily provide personal information (for example, through online forms, email newsletters, Collection Online), MOTAT will only use that information for the specific purpose stated and will keep any such information secure.
MOTAT will not disclose it to any third parties, unless it is required to do so by law or where MOTAT believes in good faith that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order, or to act in urgent circumstances where disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to public health or public safety, or the life or health of an individual.
More on our Privacy Policy can be found here.
Personal information collected by MOTAT is done so under the proviso that it takes reasonable steps to keep this information secure and to protect that information from misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Please note however that total security of data transmission over the internet cannot be guaranteed and we cannot guarantee this. MOTAT do not guarantee the security of information transmitted to us via the internet and you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk.
You can help to protect your details from unauthorised access by logging out each time you finish using the site, particularly if you are doing so from a public or shared computer.
You will receive email newsletters from MOTAT if you have expressly signed up for a newsletter on the MOTAT website or have supplied your email address to us by other means for that purpose. You can unsubscribe to a newsletter service at any time using the unsubscribe link within each email or by contacting MOTAT. The information we hold from subscribers to our email newsletters is not shared with other parties.
Under the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 you must provide your consent to receive promotional emails. If you register and join our eNewsletter lists, we view this as consent that you would like to receive emails from MOTAT. You can elect to opt out anytime by contacting MOTAT directly or by selecting ‘Unsubscribe’ on any of our newsletters.
Like many websites, we use web analytics services, like Google Analytics for example. These services use “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help us analyse how you use our site.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored on servers belonging to the companies providing the analytic services. These companies will use this information to evaluate your use of our website, and to compile reports for MOTAT on the site’s activity (for example, number of visitors to our site, how long they spend on the site when they visit and their geographical location).
They may also transfer this information to their agents or where required to do so by law. The companies providing the web analytic services will not associate your IP address with any other data they hold. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. By using our website, you consent to the processing of data about you as set out above.
MOTAT’s logo is copyrighted and must not be placed on an external website, or otherwise used by any external party, without the express approval of MOTAT.
MOTAT reserves the right to approve links to the MOTAT website and may request that links are removed where deemed inappropriate and you must remove or cease any link at MOTAT’s request. Written permission is required before a link to any part of the MOTAT site is established from an external site.
If you link to the MOTAT website, you agree to be responsible for any consequences and will be liable for any loss, damage, liability, costs or expense arising from the link.
Hypertext links from the MOTAT website to other web locations are provided for the convenience of users and do not constitute any endorsement or authorisation by MOTAT. MOTAT is not responsible for the content, reliability or privacy practices of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.
Please contact if you have any questions about MOTAT’s copyright, privacy, or linking policies
We use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the website operates reliability and consistently, but we do not guarantee that the website will operate uninterrupted without any faults. We are not responsible for any losses suffered by you as a result of interruption or unavailability of the website, system outages or malfunctions, however caused.
You must not attempt to damage, interfere with or harm this website or any network or system underlying or connected with it by malicious means. This includes automated means to access this website or the information on it for any purpose.
The MOTAT website is provided as a customer service. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on this website, the user may wish to contact MOTAT to ensure that the information is current and accurate. For your convenience, the MOTAT provides links to other sites, but is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of the websites to which the MOTAT offers links.
MOTAT reserves the right to change price, activities, displays and times without notice. Any changes to terms and conditions (including privacy policy) will be posted here as appropriate. These terms and conditions will endure for the benefit of our successors, assigns and licensees.
If you have any questions or suggestions about our terms and conditions (including our privacy policy), please contact us via our contact form or MOTAT, PO Box 44-114, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246, New Zealand.