Home / Innovation Forge

Innovation Forge

Firing up a new generation of Aotearoa’s innovators.
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Launching in 2025, the Innovation Forge nurtures students on the journey from novice to emergent innovator. A three-tiered programme supports their innovation practice from conception to successful outcome.

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We are taking expressions of interest for this programme. Contact Damon Kahi, Lead Educator – MOTAT.

Email: damon.kahi@motat.org.nz

Level 1: The Tools Programme

Setting the foundation, these workshops are an introduction to workshop tools and machinery. Students will learn the practical and safe use of common workshop tools and machinery including hand tools, 3D printer, acrylic bender, vacuum former, laser cutter and CNC Router. Students earn digital badges on attainment of skills.

  • 12 hours

  • 8 students max. (Years 5 –13)

Level 2: Innovation Practice

These workshops cover all the aspects of the design process, including design-thinking, research, ideation, prototyping and testing. Students create a digital presentation as part of the evaluation to capture their process and prototype. Students can enter their projects into the SAMSUNG Solve for Tomorrow competition.

  • 20 hours

  • 8 students max. (Years 5 – 13)

Level 3: Emergent Innovator

Students who complete Level 2 with a promising prototype are invited to be mentored through the product development process. They will be connected to experts with specialist knowledge to support them, creating a highly personalised opportunity for learning and development.

- open-ended duration
- individual engagement