Mai i te 14 - 21 o Hepetema e whakanui ana mātou i te reo Māori. He maha ngā wheako ngahau, ngā wheako hihiri hoki mō ngā tamariki.
Tūhurahia Te Puawānanga, kimihia ngā poro rākau o te Pū Rākau Nui, ā, kei reira ako ai ngā Atua Māori i roto i te ao hōu o te hangarau matihiko.
E hia ka kitea e koe?
Toro atu ki tō mātou Whare Kōkōmuka i MOTAT, he wāhi pai mō te auaha me ngā mahi toi.
He nui rawa ngā kēmu, panga, taputapu tākaro, pakiwaitara Reo Māori anō hoki kia pūāwai ngā whakaaro auaha o te hunga whakarongo - pakeke mai, tamariki mai.
Nō reira, nau mai, haere mai ki MOTAT i tēnei marama!
From 14 - 21 September we are celebrating te reo Māori with fun and engaging experiences for young tamariki.
Explore Te Puawānanga and find the Pū Rākau Nui blocks, where you can learn about Atua (Gods and spirits) through augmented reality. How many can you find?
Check out Willow Cottage in the MOTAT Village and let your artistic talents shine with colouring in. Imaginations will run wild with adventurous te reo stories and have creative fun with games and puzzles for all ages.
Please note: there may be filming and/or photography taken for marketing purposes.